Wednesday morning we were a bit slow getting going, not hitting the road until about 10:40! We were following Highway 89, through Kanab and Page towards Flagstaff Arizona. In retrospect Gillian was right and we should have turned south at Kanab on Alt 89 and had a good close up look at the Vermillion Cliffs and crossed the Colorado at Marble Canyon rather than at Page. However both routes are listed as Scenic Byways so we didn't really lose too much. There will probably be another opportunity. The scenery changed remarkably as we drove through southern Utah into Arizona as you can see.
Right: The Colorado River, highway and bridge construction, crossing the Colorado near Page.
South of Page if memory serves right.
At about 1:30 we stopped at a rest area near Page for lunch and here we discovered that the fridge wouldn't run on propane. Again! Art muttering things that don't need to be printed here, we drove on and about 5:00 we pulled into Greer's Pine Shadows RV Park
Meanwhile, Gillian had been perusing Next Exit” and found an RV Service shop not far away. Art called hoping to be able to be booked in for the morning and was told to bring it in now and they would take a look at it! We quickly disconnected the car and left it behind in our spot and set off on the 2 mile journey to the shop.
We were booked in and told that the tech was just finishing another job and would be on ours shortly. The tech questioned Art closely about what the previous shops had done, and neither of us were terribly impressed with the lack of detail on the work orders. We were also told that we were not allowed in the shop area nor in the rig while they were working on it so Gillian took the dogs for a walk and Art took the latest issue of the FMCA magazine into the waiting room. We also noted that the shop closed at 6:30, and the time by our clocks said it was already 5:30 and were surprised they took the appointment. Then we realised that Arizona is on Standard Time, so in reality to was only 4:30!
When Art sat down to read his magazine, he glanced at the stack of reading material on the table – the last several issues of FMCA Magazine-- the shop is an FMCA Commercial member. After a bit the tech came in to have Art come out to look at the fridge burner—Again covered in dirt and flakes of rust. He returned a bit later to say that also the burner jet appeared to be bent and was stuck in the fitting. It could be damaged in the removal process but he would try to get it out and straighten it. Otherwise, it would require a complete burner assembly—waiting for parts again!!!! But he was successful in removing it and partially successful in straightening it.
Art happily paid the very reasonable bill and by 7:00 PM we were back at Pine Shadows, the Explorer 75A was up and the Starchoice receiver was working—though we had missed the 6 o'clock news. Maybe we can stay awake for the 10:00 news.Later note: 10 days later the fridge is still working fine.
This morning we went looking for Trekker's 5 month supply of grain free dog food and as usual, found a good choice at a farm feed store, Olsens Grain in Flagstaff, only a 10 minute drive from the RV Park. We loaded up along with a few special goodies for the dogs and returned to the park to get ready to leave. We discovered that there was room the motorhome and car in tow if we just parked on the street beside the store, but it was just as well—finding places to stow 4 large bags of dogfood while the slides were in and the dogs underfoot would have been a chore. As it was we were on the highway to Phoenix at 11:25 by our time pieces and 10:25 by Arizona's clocks. An hour and a half or so later we pulled into a rest area just north of Phoenix for lunch—and of course to set up the Explorer to record “Destinos”; This was Episodio 1 – which we had missed recording some months ago.
At 3:45 PM (Arizona time) we stopped for almost an hour for fuel and a rest at the Flying J in Eloy then our last stage of the day, a bit less than 2 hours to the Prince of Tuscon RV Park where we will stay for a couple of nights. This will give us a full day for a rest and an opportunity to pick up a few last minute things before crossing the border into Mexico on Sunday morning. And they have a hot tub!
Fuel at the Flying J: 203.3 litres--again! $143.67 US this time though.
Most of these days were over fairly flat ground, but we were impressed the the mileage: 11.52 miles per imperial gallon (9.57/mpg using US measure.)