Art began investigating why the solar system isn't working as it should--it really doesn't get the batteries up to full like they should (14.4 Volts). Essentially the problem is the location of the charge controller--much too far away from the batteries. A major upgrade in wire size would help but not enough and it would not be an easy job.
The design and layout of the motorhome and the battery location make it difficult. Art has been on RV.NET getting advice and suggestions from many knowledgeable people, getting ready for a project when we get home!
The 2 80 Watt panels are in the middle. The ones at each end are identical just look different due to the camera lens.
Side view showing location of the solar panels. The wires go down alongside the waste tank vent, the white tube at the edge of the roof about the middle of the two panels.
They then run down behind the galley wall to the controller, the black panel with the red light showing, middle of the left edge of the photo. (above)
The output wires go down the wall to the floor and join the large wires from the battery at a connection under the stove which also feed the 12V breakers in the cupboard above the micro/convection oven. (left and below)
These large wires then travel by some unknown route to the battery and electrical compartments on the other side of the motorhome which are to the rear, behind the rear axle and under the bedroom slide. ( Roughly marked by the white plastic box on the floor down the hall in galley photo above. )
These are the battery and electrical compartments. The stuff on the ground belongs in there too, except for the large white bottle of distilled water. I'm not sure where we can mount the controller.
This photo shows where the front solar panels are (top left) and where the battery and electrical compartments are. By rights the controller should be in there. Somewhere.
And just to round out the electrical stuff here are pics of the Solar Controller and the Xantrex Remote. :