In previous crossings we have seen many birds, fishermen with their nets and even cattle up to their hocks in water grazing on the vegetation. This time there was nothing but the occasional gull.
Other than the traffic, Morelia was no problem thought we almost missed our exit to the road to Patzcuaro. Fortunately Art recognised the turn at the last minute and was only one lane out of place! The right turn signal on and moving right, he managed to squeeze in and make the turn. At that moment we were the biggest rig so we got no argument from the other traffic!
This spot would give us the most sun for the solar panels, cleared the trees for the satellite RV and left a large clear area to our right for the dogs to wander about. Westbound the park is very easy to find: there is a large sign over the highway right at the enterance!
While Art got parked, leveled and set up Gillian took the dogs out for a short break then went up to the office to book us in for a couple of days. This photo and the next two are actually from our trip home last March. Somehow we didn't take any this round.
El Pozo means The Well, which you can see in the foreground of the picture.
This is a quiet park other than a bit of traffic noise as we are right beside the highway and of course. . . . . the TRAINS which must blow their whistles as they approach the crossing at the park enterance.
Once we were settled we phoned our friends Jorge and Lulu in Morelia and invited them to come for lunch tomorrow at the RV Park. Then it was into town for grocery shopping. We found everything we needed - - - except strawberries! There were none to be had.
Next morning Art took the car to centro to check out the market. Not a parking space to be found! On the way back to the RV park Art had a thought and detoured to a small business area near the lake. He found several shops and markets, but no one had strawberries. One booth said "al rato" meaning soon! While parking the car on the side of the road here he was approached by a young man with a bucket of suspicious looking murky water and a questionable rag asking if I wanted a carwash. Having seen in the past what a man with filthy water and rag can do with a dirty car he agreed and upon his return to the car it was gleaming! 30 pesos. ($2.50)
Later in the day he returned to the market and purchased a huge basket of strawberries, picked that morning. This was to be the dessert for our afternoon meal.
Jorge and Lulu arrived around noon, we had a wonderful time chatting and talking about things in Mexico. They are both concerned about the growing drug violence here. It is something we will have to keep and eye on.
Soon they had to go--work in the morning, but they asked us to make a reservation for them at El Manglar for the 18th of December. It was at this RV park where we first met them some years ago.
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