By December we were well into our usual routine, doing not a lot of anything!
Last year we had had the sofa and dinette recovered but had discovered that light bright cotton fabric we had chosen was a mistake--it soiled easily and was impossible to clean. So we had Sr Juarez return and redo them in a cream marine grade vinyl. The same material that he uses on open sunbridges and cockpits of yachts and fishing boats.
He took the sofa first, then reinstalled it a about a week later and took the dinette.
In spite of best intentions to eat more at home there were several meals in El Manglar . Art was particularly happy to get back to one of his all time favourites, the El Manglar Salad with a filet of fish and Rosa's own vinaigrette.
Of course we went to dinner in Centro a couple of times in the first week--Don Memo's--who was sold out of his signature Lasagna again, and, directly across the lane from there, Coconuts, a longtime restaurant just reopening under new management and staff, although a few of the originals were still there.
The food at both was as good as ever, though at Coconuts very slow, due probably to the fact that it was their first night with mostly new staff and new menu and that the place was packed!
A few more photos of the life in and around the mangrove estuary after which El Manglar was named. (El manglar means the mangrove.) Click to enlarge, especially the one to the right. Strange bed fellows!
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