When we said we didn't need the cable TV info he said "Oh, you have Shaw satellite?" (formerly Starchoice) to which we said yes. He asked if we wanted to buy a small Shaw receiver as he had ordered one and discovered that it it wouldn't receive the HD signals. This unit was identical to the small won that we had bought for the bedroom TV only to find that when the automatic dish was installed on the roof the third feed wasn't connected! We kept it as a spare then loaned it to a neighbour in Zihuatanejo. We'll get it back when they return to the island in June. We thought about it for a while then decided that we would be interested in a spare for a good price. In the morning Gillian responded to his offer of $75.00 (They are $99.00 in Canada) with $50.00 and the deal was done. Now we have to route the cable for the bedroom TV or we will have two spares!
Once we were parked and level, slides and dish extended, water and sewer connections done and tanks drained, etc. etc. Art entered the rig just after Gillian had returned from walking the dogs to find his whisky bottle ready on the galley counter. What a nice wife!
Next morning we had a leisurely start, departing at 9:30 for Yuma. On the way we called the RV shop about the Norcold (fridge) recall) and confirmed our appointment. We arrived at a park just across the freeway from Al's RV Service at noon, set up, went to the RV shop to check in, shopped at Fry's (grocery story) next door, the pet store on the other side and returned to the park.
Prices here are pretty high--$40.00 per night. They have a pool and laundry but the minimum for the laundry is $5.00!!!! Only wanting to do two loads and line dry them, Gillian opted to to a small hand wash. The big things can wait.
Internet too was expensive: $6.00 for 24 hours!. Art broke out our high gain antenna and went looking for a free one! No such luck, but was able to connect to the Flying J pay system for less that $5.00 for the 24 hours. He waited until 8:00PM to connect to make the most of tomorrow.
Just about sunset we wandered over to the pool and spent almost an hour or so lounging around and chatting with other RVers, mostly Canadian. Back at the rig we had dinner, (Lamb!!!--hard to find in Mexico), watched a bit of TV while Art pecked away on the blog for a short while before calling it a night and going to bed.
Wednesday we again had a leisurely morning, washing the windshield on the motorhome and scrubbing the asphalt and oil off the tow bar and the front of the tracker--souvenirs of Mexican road repaving. The service tech from Al's RV arrived as promised before noon and soon had the modification done to the Norcold fridge as per the recall notice--temperature sensor and small board that will shut the fridge off should the cooling unit boiler dangerously overheat. Done and gone by noon. Now we can relax.
Except the ice maker isn't working! Time for a break from the blog while we go and tend to that.
Ha! just plugged with frost etc--don't use it in Mexico. Now to dump the first load of ice, drain the old Mexican water and fill the tank again. Luxuries!
We were also planning our trip for tomorrow. We had thought to go north to Quartzite then west on I 10 around the north end of Los Angeles to Santa Barbara then north following the coast. Gillian said "You know, we are on the I 8, and San Diego is less that 200 miles away. . . ." Well she's the navigator. But. And it is a big "but" (will sister the English major forgive that grammatical construction) our GPS had quit. Off to the stores looking for a replacement. A few hours and two hundred bucks we had one that will serve. (Garmin 1450T) Not our first choice but the best available today.
Well that will have to do for now--Internet account runs out in 10 minutes and we have some bank stuff to deal with.
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