One more week then we must leave. Lots to do but we'll get it done somehow.
March 1st, the first step was to take down the rope lights and Christmas lights, take down and wash awning screen and rehang it on the awning to drip dry. Besides, we'll need the shade until the last minute.
We also remembered to check the tire pressure. Fortunately they had only lost a pound or two so we a are good to go.
Friday (March 2nd) we attended a display of a local artists work then proceeded into centro for dinner. The place was very busy, no place to park so we went back towards home to Puesta Del Sol restaurant on the La Ropa road above Playa Madera, over looking the bay.
We were entertained by a talented singer who accompanied herself on the guitar.
Saturday Art cooked a huge breast of turkey on the BBQ for our dinner tonight, sandwiches for lunches on our trip northbound and likely another meal somewhere along the way. Gillian had marinated the meat in a mixture of yoghurt, garlic and fresh tarragon (from our herb garden that would be left behind for the chef) which resulted in a beautifully tender and moist roast.
The worst cleaning job was done on Sunday; getting rid of three months buildup of carbon and grease! We let it dry for a few hours then packed away.
Art found time to head over around the corner for a much needed massage then returned for a short nap! Gillian also took a short break before Art took down the hammock so it too could be washed, dried and stowed away.
At the end of the day the outside shade for the drivers, passenger windows and windshield were taken down to be washed, though Art washed them in place when he cleaned the front of the rig.
Monday: The tow bar needed to reinstalled on the jeep, and easy chore, just a quick wipe, it had been cleaned and stored with its cover in place since we arrived. The cover though needed a good wash as did the Tow Shield which attaches to the front of the Jeep to deflect the worse of the dust and gravel. Then it was time for lunch in El Manglar.
After a short rest after lunch Art filled the freshwater tank, dumped the holding tanks and cleaned and stowed all the hoses. We never like to leave this task for the last!
By the time we were done the day we were both tired out and neither of us felt much like cooking or even going out. So the next best thing was to order a take out from El Manglar. As usual when we do this we take our own plates down to the restaurant and either Martin or Memo delivers to the motorhome door. We decided to order one El Manglar Salad with prawns and one order of calamari and we would share. Art ate most of the prawns and Gillian most of the calamari.
Tuesday, our last day, was the busiest one. Finally the sun shade was taken down once the sun had reached its zenith and stored in its bag. Now, how did we fold this to fit? After a couple of tries we got it to work.
The wooden stand for our water bottle had to be taken apart to be stowed. While Art was working on this a neighbour came around to borrow our latter before Art tied it back on its rack on the back of the motorhome. When Dieter returned the latter he stopped at the front of the motorhome and washed the windshield!
Finally the large patio mat need to be cleaned. We carried it over to a relatively clean patch of gravel in the parking lot and went work with brushes, soap and water. A good rinse with the hose and to get the soap off we then draped it over the Jeep to dry in the sun. Then we had to get it back into its bag! Fortunately the creases were still visible and we got it right the first time.
At long last everything was stowed. The tomato plants and herb container were carried down to near the restaurant to be taken home by Martin, the waiter, Edmundo, the owner's father, and NiƱo, the chef.
While Art lay down for a short rest Gillian took the dogs for their last evening walk. That evening 12 of us met in the El Manglar Restaurant for our Last Supper. This has become almost a tradition here, whenever one of the long term regulars leave or arrive.
On arrival back at the motorhome we found the remains of the empty dog food bag that Art had left in the sink as it was too big for the small garbage bin under the sink. Trekker found it anyway. This year is the first time he has taken things from the counter or tables. Major work ahead when we get back. It might even involve mouse traps!
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