For several days we had been trying to call Juan, the best body repairman in Mazatlan but had had no luck other than leaving a message on his cell phone last week, with no call back. On the way north we managed to get hold of him at his shop. Last year he had been too busy to do a small job so we had put it off for this year. When Art told him that he had another ding on the opposite corner he laughed but then said that he was too busy this week to do anything. We'll have to get it done north of the border.
While Pepe was up on the ladder we went into town to do the laundry and some grocery shopping and see about the bike. We found the bike shop, which had been recommended by Stan in Puerto Vallarta, (Fernando Kelly's) where Fernando had a look at the bike and said that it would be ready tomorrow. When Art told him that we wanted to leave for San Carlos in the morning he said that he could have it ready by 6:30 this evening. We left the bike and carried on.
We were lucky enough to find a place to park on the street in front of the laundromat where Gillian dropped off Art and the laundry and headed back to the park with the dogs. Too hot to leave them in the Jeep for long as our mesh screens had been removed for towing.
Art enjoys laundry day anyway; a chance to grab a bite to eat and read a while undisturbed. Today he had a bowl of tortilla soup while waiting for the washer to finish its cycle and as usual a double espresso while the dryer went round and round. When done he called Gillian to say he was just ready to start folding and by the time that was done she had arrived, again finding a parking place right out front.
We loaded the clothes into the Jeep in which we had left the dogs, the top partially open and windows partly down and the interior thermometer where we could see it. There was now a nice breeze and the interior temperature was hovering around 30C, just like at El Manglar. Since the dogs were comfortable we ducked around the corner for lunch.
Next stop was Mega, the grocery store to stock up on a few things, beer wine and whisky included and back to the RV Park.
Pepe was making great progress, the rig looking good again. Art had a very short nap, added a bit to the blog, Gillian walked the dogs, then our friends long time friends from Victoria Jacqui and Derick, and Paul arrived for happy hour before going out to dinner.
We first met Paul and his wife Eve about 1975, Eve being an O.T. where Gillian worked as a physio. We soon became good friends. Some years later Gillian met Jacqui, another physio, who had trained at the same hospital in Manchester as Gillian and also worked at another hospital in Yorkshire where she did, and at the same time. It was (and is) a very large hospital, but still, funny they should meet in Canada years later! The six of us became good friends, often dined dined together, often rotating Christmas dinner at each others homes.
For a couple of years we traveled by motorhome together. Eve passed away some years ago so Paul is now on his own, dividing his time between Canada, Mexico and England, were his family is. It is kind of nice meet up every year here in Mazatlan where we first all enjoyed wintering in Mexico. We are sort of an extended family.
Happy hour almost done Art phoned the bike shop. Fernando said that he was just finishing up one job and Art's bike was next, should ready is half an hour.
So while the rest set off in Derek's car to the restaurant Art went in the Jeep via the bike shop. The bike was ready! Not only had Fernando tightened up all the spokes, he had also straightened the bent brake rotor! The cost? 180 pesos--$15.00 !
One small wrong turn, or more correctly one turn not made, Art finally arrived at the restaurant where the others were by now one margarita ahead! The food was very good, service too, the company lots of fun; we had a great time. One thing that I should mention, when the waiter realised that Gillian was looking out for a place for Art to park, one of the staff moved his car from right in front so when Art arrived Gillian was there to wave him in. Now that is great service!
We will be up early tomorrow, probably leave without breakfast and eat an hour or so down the road. It will be a long day, likely about 12 hours including breaks. Which won't be many or long.
So far it looks like we will be home before Easter.
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