Sunday 1 December 2013

Saltillo to Matehuala Nov 14, to Queretaro Nov 15

Thursday, November 14, an easy drive some 250 kilometers to the south on what should be good and mostly flat roads. I have no idea what time we woke, but we had lots of time for breakfast, watching the news and walking the dogs before we left the gates behind us at 11:10.

Only one toll on the 57D, 80 pesos for the motorhome and 55 pesos for the jeep towed behind.  Part way along we went through a check point that seemed to be only interested in northbound trucks. This line stretched for well over a kilometer. Glad we were southbound!

We had put the coordinates for the RV Park into the GPS but as we approached we noticed that it wanted us to stay on the main highway which bypassed the city. Knowing better we kept to the right on the nice double laned highway into town. Note to other travellers. The road is pretty good but is has a low speed limit. I don't remember if it was 60 or 40 but there were lots of signs.

Three hours after setting off we stopped just into Matehuala for fuel. Two or three kilometers later we had arrived at Las Palmas Midway Inn

This hotel, really a motel, has a pool, very nice restaurant many small rooms set out like a motel, but only four or five in a row then another group--there are several rows. the property is quite large and spacious, and at the back on oiled gravel is the RV parking area with separate bathroom and showers with hot water. There is also a mile long cycling and walking trail which unfortunately this year showed signs of a lot of dog activity.

Since large rigs can't get through the entrance Art parked the rig in the large forecourt outside the gates and waited for Gillian to register and to get someone to open the gate at the far end.

By 2:35 we had worked our way through the motel units, guided by the gate keeper in a bicycle, and were parked and level. We took on some water here and dumped the holding tanks but didn't bother with electric hook ups. 2 of the three within reach of the extension cord we miss wired. Batteries were fully charged so we would be fine.

Even as we turned in the GPS wanted us to turn round and go back to the bypass! We didn't bother looking to see where it wanted us to go. We suspect (but hadn't checked) the the GPS coordinates were taken at the RV Park area rather than from the entrance and it was trying to get us there via the back roads.   Our SPOT shows where we were. Click on the link and select Satellite (top right) then zoom in as much as you need or wish.

With an earlier start we could have gone straight through to Queretaro, about another five hours, but there was no rush and we were trying to keep Art's headaches to a minimum.

We're not even cooking dinner tonight, not with such a nice restaurant a few minutes walk away.  As last year, the guests in the restaurant appeared to be business people, perhaps business people traveling between Mexico City and Saltillo or Monterrey, or even the US border at Laredo.

The food was quite nice but not as good as we had remembered, but still fine, no complaints.

Odometer: 99701

Friday, 15 November,

We left the park at 9:35, no problem getting across the two north bound lanes to turn south even though there was no traffic light.

  Through town we passed this truck with two enormous pieces of cut stone

then we were soon on the road towards San Luis Potosi and on to Queretaro.  Good road, flat and straight for the most part.

About half way there was our once again one and only toll for the day, only 105 pesos for both vehicles. This time we were charges as a 4 axle truck! Just past the toll booth there was a wide parking area so we took almost an hour for a leisurely lunch and dog stroll.

Note to RVers heading for the trailer park at the Pemex and the Juriquilla Inn:

The exit is very poorly marked and the exit sign cannot be seen until you have actually started the turn! Also the fact that you need to get onto the lateral isn't well marked. So. It's best to stay in the right lane once you cut off from the bypass. You will note many signs for commercial trucks bound for Mexico to take the bypass. You still have several kilometers to go but this stretch can get busy so stay in the right lane.  As you get closer keep an eye out for the Pemex on the other side of the highway.

A soon as you see it take the lateral on your right, this is a two lane one way lateral.

 (IF you miss it  there is another exit, again not very well marked, just ahead that you can take to get on the lateral. The problem is that you need to get right across into the right lane. Don't feel bad if this happens to you. It happened to us last year . . . and again this year!) 

    Ahead you will see two overpasses. The first is a pedestrian overpass, the second is for traffic. You need to slow and turn right IMMEDIATELY you go under the road overpass. The sign is very hard to see. This takes you into a 270 degree turn back over the highway then another right exit and 270 degree turn that puts you northbound on the 57 and the hotel and Pemex is just ahead on the right.  Pull into the parking lot in front and register at the motel office behind you and to your right.

I'd suggest that you walk in and scout out where you want to park before you drive in. Some of the grass is very soft at times:     Scroll down to Queretaro on this blog page

3:30, we had arrived without incident and a pleasant drive though traffic for the last three kilometers had slowed to a crawl due to road works on the centre barrier.  We opted to NOT park on the nice grassy area as we did last time (see link above if you must) and parked in the far back lot. Neither green nor level but nice and firm.

Art's headaches kept recurring, seemingly made worse by driving so we decided to pass on San Juan de Teotihuacan and the Teotihuacan Ruins this time and do it perhaps on the way home in the spring or on the way down again next year. We have visited the ruins twice in the past but never by RV.

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