The old one came out easily:
There was quite a bit of rust around top of the inside frame. We had had a small water leak years ago
that had seemed to seal itself. Jerome, the owner, said that it was common on rigs of this age (14) and he could give it a rust treatment that would stop its progression. We had found the same problem when the passenger side windshield was replaced several years ago at home.
Then the new windshield went in. The top right corner was not quite seated so Jerome gave it a few slaps with an open hand:
We all heard the crack!
I'll give Jerome credit, he was on the phone immediately to have a new windshield shipped. Jerome called today (Friday) to give us the tracking number. We could see on the tracking info from FedEx that it had been picked up in Coburg Oregon by FedEx at 3:49 PM and is scheduled to arrive in San Antonio Monday. Jerome said that he would be here Monday midday and that we could leave Tuesday.
Since we had already to hang around until our friends arrive on Saturday and leave Sunday, that is only another two days. Four weeks since the day we arrived. We're paid up to the 21st. Better go into the office and pay for three more days. Fortunately, their Passport America discount is 50% so we are only paying $23.50 a day.
Thursday morning before the sun came around to the front we put a coat of paste wax on the front cap, not that it looked like it really needed it, but it is much easier to remove the bugs from a well waxed and polished surface and our up coming travelling days will be through some bug country.
Then after a nap and lunch (yes, in that order) Art did a load of laundry. After the local BC Evening News we went off in search of a Chinese Restaurant. Following advice from various internet pages we chose to the Lung Fung Restaurant. (Ladysmith friends will recognise that name!). Though not the very best we have ever had (That distinction belongs to one in Mission BC we went to at least a couple of decades ago) it was certainly not the worst. It was in fact very enjoyable. We brought enough home for another meal each.
Friday, 20th November. Jerome called, things are (once again) looking good. So far. Weather forecast for today was cloudy and wet but it dawned a third clear day, though looks like it is going to deteriorate later and for the rest of our time here with cool even cold temperatures forecast for some nights--mid to low 30s. Fahrenheit! Good thing I brought my jammies.
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