Though the electrical plugs were wired correctly the voltage was too high so we ran the generator for a few hours. We watched the evening news from home thanks to the satellite and basically just kicked back relaxing, fueling up for the next two days of driving.
Setting off just before nine we weren't feeling too rushed though about half of our route would be new to us. We had a 2013 Guia Roji road atlas and the GPS both of which seemed to agree though the GPS wanted us to turn northwest from just past San Luis Potosi while we wanted to go southwest. We added a way point to the GPS routing and that made it happy enough.
We checked also with Google Maps and again things seemed to agree but we had a lot of trouble with the Street View where we would join the highway at Silao and turn south for just a few kilometers. It seemed to take us sideways over an overpass where the road suddenly disappeared!
Nevertheless we got underway and had a mostly uneventful drive. The road we wanted was signed for San Felipe, which was the way point we had used. Once we were on that road we cancelled the way point and the GPS was quite happy to take us mostly the right way. I say mostly because at Villa de Reys there was a new highway being constructed and things had changed. Also at San Filipe there were some changes being made.
The road wasn't too bad for the most part, except for a nine kilometer stretch with very narrow lanes and zero shoulders with sharp drop offs to the fields. Fortunately there were no semis heading our way. The supposedly new bit from San Filipe to Silao though wide and straight had some surfacing issues. Lowest bid contractor or some politician's brother-in-law with a hand in (or out) being the likely explanation.
As we approached Silao we could see straight ahead of us high on the mountain the huge statue of Christ in Guanajuato. However we had to go around three sides of a square before we would get there. Closer to Silao the signs for Guanajuato began to appear and very soon we were back on familiar highways.
This park has been around for years and is the only option for anything much bigger than a van in
The Park has needed work for years, so moving it to another field was probably a good idea. He has about 40 sites each with water, sewer and 15 Amp electric outlets, though they are fairly narrow. Power seems fine, hard to really tell with only us drawing on it. Also nice are the clean washrooms and showers with hot water.
Now it's lunch time so off the the little cafe at one end of the park. A couple of beer, a filet of fish, dinner tonight would just be something light and easy.
One thing we hadn't done was refuel. We prefer to fill up at the end to the day rather than stop in morning. We'd have enough to make Patzcuaro but to push through to Zihuatanejo on what was in the tank would be silly. We'll find fuel somewhere tomorrow.
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